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Welcome to St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School.

Since we opened our doors back in 2009 we have grown to become a vibrant learning community.

St. Joseph’s is forward thinking in its philosophy of learning, with a passionate, dedicated staff.  We creatively utilize flexible learning environments to ensure that learning for everyone is engaging, authentic and collaborative.

We are committed to delivering our core business of learning, embracing our Catholic identity, strongly grounded in Mathematics and English. This vibrant learning community is dedicated to building foundational knowledge and dispositions for all students to succeed in learning and life. We encourage a shared responsibility to challenge learners and their families to reflect on their relationship with their God and the Catholic tradition.

We offer students a variety of opportunities to develop their creative talents through The Arts, Sport, Japanese Language and education outside the classroom through our Patch to Plate program.

St. Joseph’s primary School has created an educational environment that fires the imagination, develops good citizenship and promotes a lifelong thirst for knowledge.

If you would like to participate in a tour or talk to a member of our dynamic team please contact the office.

We look forward to walking forward in partnership with you in your child’s learning journey.

Julie Mcdougall


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