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Mathematics @ St Joseph’s

Here at St Joseph’s Primary School we see the study of Mathematics as a way of thinking, and that the transdisciplinary nature and language of Mathematics as more than simply a series of equations and facts to be memorised.

As such, we see Mathematics as a powerful and effective tool that can be personalised to engage our students in describing and analysing the world around us, and encourage our students to think of themselves as ‘Mathematicians,’ in the same way that literacy supports our students to become authors, readers and publishers.

Mastering basic skills, developing an understanding of key mathematical concepts and using them practically in our day-to-day life at school and home is an essential process. At St Joseph’s Primary School, we aim to embed a transdisciplinary approach to curriculum underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum.

Staff and students use ‘Inquiry’ as a vehicle to apply their knowledge of Mathematics in a fluent and logical fashion to construct meaning based on their previous experiences and understanding.

Following this students are encouraged to build upon this through the application of increasingly abstract levels of meaning that is contextualized in relevant, realistic contexts.

The Mathematics One Hour Block:

Mathematics is taught for a minimum of 5 hours per week for all classes from Prep through to Year 6. Most lesson’s focus is on an individual’s needs via one to one or small group work work in the following structure:

  1. Tools session – Daily drills: times tables practice, flash cards, counting, mental math, games and/or competitions.
  2. Whole Class Focus – Explicit teaching: learning intention, success criteria, modelled teaching of a new concept, activating prior knowledge, teaching mathematical vocabulary and/or discussion.
  3. Small Group Focus – Differentiated small group work: teacher focus group, independent groups, individual or partner work, can be ability based but not always, Mathletics, individual goals, practice skills, hands on activities and/or revision.
  4. Share Time – Articulation of mathematical strategies used: students sharing and reflecting, must be what students have ‘learnt’ not what they’ve ‘done’, not all students each day.
  5. Whole Class Focus – Explicit teaching: teacher provides an explicit summary of the key ideas in the lesson, chance to address any misconceptions from ‘share time’.

Developmental continuum

Teachers use the Mathematics developmental continuum to personalise curriculum for students based on the Victorian Standards. They are taught as individuals and therefore require a personalised curriculum foci. All students have their own ‘…I can…’ statements to achieve and are able to do so at their own ability level.


Mathletics is an interactive educational tool that is designed to provide students with a captivating and safe learning experience. It combines targeted and adaptive curriculum content, structured and interactive support, with engaging gaming and rewards which are all aligned to the Victorian Curriculum.

For more information visit the Mathletics website.

Intervention and Extension:

Here at St Joseph’s we run Mathematics extension and intervention groups in order to meet the individual needs of our students. We provide opportunities to support students through a range of workshops aimed to assist with developing and consolidating skills. Those who are achieving at a high standard are encouraged to join a mathematics extension group in order to cater for their individual needs, to extend their knowledge and skills.

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